Partnership with Range of Motion Project

Your purchase will make a difference.

We are so excited to announce that we have partnered with an incredible organization called Range of Motion Project (ROMP). Combining our mission and passion for improving quality of life, we hope to increase access to devices that enable personal empowerment and hemp products that help bring balance and harmony to body and mind. Together we are working to help amputees confront, cope with, and overcome the physical and mental barriers created by the loss of a limb.

We are working with ROMP to raise awareness and support for this movement. When you use the code MOBILITY at checkout, you get 25% off your purchase and we donate 20% to ROMP. This partnership will support ROMP’s mission to provide life-changing prosthetic and orthotic devices to those in need and bring the whole-body benefits of high-quality hemp extract to as many people as possible.

Founded in 2005, ROMP is a non-profit, for-impact healthcare organization dedicated to providing prosthetic and orthotic care to those without access to these services. Over the years ROMP has helped thousands of individuals gain access to life changing devices to increase mobility and personal empowerment. ROMP’s incredible mission and vision is:

  • We believe in equal access to prosthetic and orthotic services that facilitate independence through mobility
  • We recognize the dual hardships of living in poverty with a disability, and stand in solidarity with those who are made to suffer from an unequal distribution of care.
  • We understand that disability is caused by broken devices and broken healthcare systems, not broken bodies, and we work to increase the mobility, visibility, and dignity of all those marginalized by lack of access to rehabilitative technology.

To learn more about ROMP and their amazing mission and incredible programs throughout the year (especially their epic climb every year!), be sure to visit them at You can also find them on Facebook and Instagram @rompglobal. We hope you will join us in supporting them this month and beyond.

There are two million Americans and 28 million people globally living with limb loss and its impact on their lives and 9 out of 10 amputees in the world do not have access to prosthetic care. Through this partnership, we are hoping to do our part to help those populations by enhancing mobility and unlocking human potential.

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